This structure is relevant only for moriah cluster.
It's important to understand the folder structure in the cluster so you will know where to save your files.
First you need to understand the difference between a backup and snapshots.
Here are short simplified explanations:
A copy of the data in an external system with version history.
Need IT support to recover.
A copy of the data in the current storage.
Good for fast recovery of accidently deleted or wrongly edited files.
See this wiki page on recovering files from snapshots.
Each lab member will have their own subfolder under their PI folder in the labs
shared storage.
For your convenience, symbolic links to personal folders under each storage tier are automatically created there:
and icore-data
Volume | Details | Path |
Fast, snapshots, no backup | Main working storage for computation work | /sci/labs/<PI login> |
Fast, no snapshots or backup | Fast storage for temporary files (without any backup options) | /sci/nosnap/<PI login> |
Fast with full backup | Fast storage for a full backup service | /sci/backup/<PI login> |
Archive | Long term storage. Cannot be used for computation | /sci/archive/<PI login> |
Archive with backup | Archive storage + full backup | /sci/backup/Archive/<PI login> |
Each user has a home folder with a free quota of 5GB. This folder has backup and snapshots.
The path of the folder is:
Even if you don't use this folder directly, it tends to get filled with temporary files and various software packages for R, Python, Matlab, etc.
If you are not working within a virtual environment (using conda, python venvs or any other way), then installing python packages using “pip install” or the R built-in package manager will put those packages somewhere in your home folder.
To check the status of your home folder, we recommend using the ncdu
tool, available by loading the ncdu
your_shell_prompt> module load ncdu
After which calling the ncdu
command (from your home-folder! type cd ~
to get there if you arent) will open an interactive directory tree, sorted by the size of your home folder's sub-directories:
Using the arrow keys (right to dive into a folder, left to jump back out), you can get inside the ncbi folder and see that I don't care about the data that's in it, using the d key, I tell the program that I wan't to delete it.
Each PI/Lab has a group folder.
This is where you save files that you use for computation work in the cluster.
Each member of a group has a folder in the group folder.
All data saved under the member folder HAS snapshots but NO backup.
Quota: Default is 1TB per lab folder. PIs can requested to increase/decrease their quota by filling this Google form.
Inside each group member folder there are 4 symlinks (symbolic links) to special folders: backup, nosnap , archive and archive_backup.
See details on each folder below.
All data saved in this folder IS backed up to an external backup system.
To recover data from this backup you must contact the support team.
All data saved in this folder has NO backup or snapshots.
Data saved in this folder is for long term storage and cannot be used for computational work in the cluster.
If you wish to work on data that is stored here then you should first move it to your lab folder.
Data saved in this folder is for long term storage and is backed up to an external system.
These folders contain data that is used by several groups of researchers and students.
This folder contains the NextSeq systems sequencing output.
Folder path: