Since the Moriah cluster nodes (the actual hardware making up our “cloud”) are running a Linux based operating system, the easiest way to connect to it is from another Linux-like system, which will be demonstrated below. Guides for other operating systems are also available outside of this tutorial.
Any Linux machine (Laptop, PC or High Performance Computing server) will have some sort of “Terminal” program.
The terminal is the program we launch in order to get to the “command-line-interface”, or CLI of the operating system, as opposed to a graphical user interface you may be more accustomed to from your Windows or Mac machines.
Technically, the terminal will allow you to run any program on the machine you are connected to.
While we will focus mostly on shell commands in the coming sections, opening graphical applications is also possible via some added configuration.
As we've seen above - the first program we encounter when working in the HURCS environment is the terminal. The terminal program gives us access to a command line interface called a shell. The shell interprets the commands written in the terminal and passes them on to the operating system.
Why do you need to learn the command line anyway? Well, let me tell you a story. Many years ago we had a problem where I worked. There was a shared drive on one of our file servers that kept getting full. I won't mention that this legacy operating system did not support user quotas; that's another story. But the server kept getting full and it stopped people from working. One of our software engineers spent a couple of hours writing a C++ program that would look through all the user's directories and add up the space they were using and make a listing of the results. Since I was forced to use the legacy OS while I was on the job, I installed a Linux-like command line environment for it. When I heard about the problem, I realized I could perform this task with this single line:
du -s * | sort -nr > $HOME/user_space_report.txt
Graphical user interfaces (GUIs) are helpful for many tasks, but they are not good for all tasks. I have long felt that most computers today are not powered by electricity. They instead seem to be powered by the "pumping" motion of the mouse. Computers were supposed to free us from manual labor, but how many times have you performed some task you felt sure the computer should be able to do but you ended up doing the work yourself by tediously working the mouse? Pointing and clicking, pointing and clicking.
The excerpt above is taken from the great Linux learning site- linuxcommand, where you can find some simple tutorials and explanations about Linux in general and shell commands in particular. This wiki also contains some evolving sections about useful commands and common features available for HURCS users.
When you first log-in to the HURCS cluster, your terminal program of choice will open and present you with some text and a blinking cursor. In this example, I will be connecting from my laptop (named “penguin” for some reason) to the Moriah Gateway Node.
The screenshot above is crowded with text, but most of it is not important.
command. SSH is used in order to establish a connection between the local computer and the remote machine.The commands we type on the command line are mostly not single words, they are often “sentences” made of multiple parts.
The first word of each such sentence is the command itself, and the following words and symbols are arguments that affect the process of the command - same as you would interact with a graphical application, selecting settings from menus and typing values in fields. Below is a breakdown of each part of the first line, with the first four columns being the “command prompt” (the part that waits for input) and the following three being the actual typed command:
zivben |
@ |
penguin |
:~$ |
ssh |
-X | |
part name |
user-name |
‘at’ |
machine-name |
command |
command |
option |
command argument |
details | Currently connected user | Active machine | This field may change according to the shell environment but it always means “your command here!” | The first word typed in the prompt is the command being executed | Commands often have special arguments called ‘options’, behaving like check-boxes in a Graphical Interface | Other arguments can be free-text. In this case, the address of the server we want to connect to. |
While this is a bit complicated for a first example, it sets up the basic premise for the next section!
The linux-command website also has a great tutorial about navigation, but we'll give some relevant examples and explanations below. The three most basic commands for navigating a Linux file-system are:
- “Print Working Directory” which will simply tell you where you
- “LiSt directory content” is used for printing (to the screen) the content of the current working
- Will “Change Directory” to the current user's home folder.Don't worry if you don't exactly understand all of the above, trying is the best way to learn so we'll do some exercises, but for that we need to discuss arguments.
When reviewing the three commands above, you may have been wondering - all I see is the current working directory and the home directory! How do I actually move around?
The answer to that question lies with arguments. While it's true that you can use the cd
command on its own (to get to your home folder), it will usually be used along with an argument. Specifically, the argument will be the path of the Directory to which we want to Change to.
So another way to describe the cd
command can be:
cd [directory]
Where “directory” is the name of the argument, and the square brackets mean that it is optional. This sort of notation is common in program manuals, and cd
is, in fact, a program!
You can see the complete program documentation for cd
in this link, where you may notice that we have omitted the [-L|-P]
part (go back and check if you didn't notice!). These are command options that can be passed to the program to affect the way it carries its work, specifically the way they handle things called “dot” and “dot dot” operands. While the function of these options (-L and -P) is not really important to us for the time being, the operands they handle are, since they are an inherent part of the directory tree.
You may already be familiar with the concept of a directory tree, even if you didn't know it!
At one point or another, both macOS and Windows had an option to navigate the content of your drive in the form of nested icons like so:
The regular windows file explorer is probably one of the most familiar windows applications. We use(d) it to browse our documents, music and movies (before everything went streaming…).
You may be used to the process of navigating the file system using your mouse - clicking on the “Pictures” icon and then “Thailand 2012” to look at pictures of a particular vacation, or “Documents” then “Thesis” if you're feeling particularly adventurous…
In the example above, some log files related to the computer manufacturer's (Dell) driver update package. The file explorer lists the files in the main window as well as some information like their modification date and size. Note that the folder called “Log” is highlighted in the left panel. This means that this is the current folder being inspected.
Our friendly terminal command prompt can help us get the same information using a few simple commands. We'll use the ls
, cd
, pwd
and tree
commands to brows the file system:
to Tell us where we
command, we'll list the contents of that
command only gives us the names of the files and folders, but if we want more details, we'll have to use the -long
format option by typing ls -l
command. Typing ls --help
will print out some basic information and instructions about it. tree
command to display a nice directory tree like in the above left panel. You can use tree -L l
, where l
is any positive integer, to limit the level to which the tree is drawn. Try using increasing values of l
, like tree -L1
then tree -L 2
etc. to see the effect yourself.Example output will like this:
Note that while there are no column names like in the windows file explorer, most values produced by ls -l
are pretty self-explanatory.
From right to left we have:
ls -lh
and see what happens!)The last 5 columns are quite clear then. But the concept of users, groups and permissions may be new to most people.
The tree output can look something like so:
argument with the value of 2
limits the output of the tree
command to two levels deep